Monday 23 May 2016

23rd May 1816: Threatening letter sent to the Prince Regent, "If this is Peace, we must earnestly wish for War"

May it please your Royal Highness

Without something is done to the Benifit of the Working People & the Public at large, and that soon your Life will not only be in the most imminent Danger but the Lives of several others, who enjoy themselves now, by oppressing the poorer sort of People, there are many thousands, in this metropolis almost starving and not being able to get any employ, and those that have, in (consequence of their Wages) being lowered, and all sorts of Provision being Rose, to an extravagant degree. If this is Peace, we must earnestly wish for War, not but very soon we shall have something worse, then a Civil War in our own Country. take warning by this & take care of yourself.—

I have this to tell you (by the express wish you were with the 3000 Associates) that you may guard yourself as much as you Please but the Blow will come when you least expect it.—

May 23 1816.—

To his
Royal Highness the Prince Regent
Carlton House
Pall Mall

This letter can be found at HO 42/150.

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